HELLO, my name is MICHAEL O. DUNN and I am a Certified Hypnotist.
My interest and passion for hypnosis began back in 1980 when I was allowed to sit in on a hypnosis session at a local community college. I volunteered to be hypnotized but felt all the way through the process that I was not hypnotized--I was totally wrong! I was the most relaxed person in the whole group! That really got me started reading books about hypnosis and especially learning how to self hypnotize myself. I practiced self hypnosis for a number of years to help relieve stress relating to my job as a 911 disptacher. IT WORKED GREAT!
I found renewed interest in hypnosis back in 2009 when I visited a comedy hypnosis show at the SPACE NEEDLE in Gatlinburg, TN. I began looking for a school to where I could learn more about hypnosis and become certified so that I could open an office practice in hypnotherapy.
My search lead me to the HYPNOSIS MOTIVATION INSTITUTE (HMI) in Tarzana, CA. From the very beginning of classes I was amazed at just how the mind works and how hypnosis can help deal with all sorts of things such as weight loss, fears and phobias, ADD/ADHD, stress reduction, fear of public speaking and the list just goes on and on.
If you would like more information about MOUNTAINTOP HYPNOSIS and the services I offer, or would like to just know more about hypnosis, use the contact info at the right of the page to reach me.
I look forward to meeting you and "helping you along life's way".
www.hypnosis.edu Learn more about HMI and hypnosis.
www.hynothoughts.com A place for practicing hypnotherpists and just the curious.
http://www.exploreasheville.com/ Come visit the mountains of Western North Carolina.
http://www.ashevillebusinesslist.com Locate businesses in Asheville, NC